“The California State Teacher’s Retirment System is taking the lead among US Institutional investors to reduce it’s carbon footprint and mitigate exposure to rising environmental threats such as coastal flooding, hurricanes and wildfires…

…Adin Meir, president of CodeGreen Solutions, a sustainability and energy management consultant, said climate change has become a more significant issue among US investors and managers because incidents of weather-related destruction are growing more frequent. ‘Those things are happening on an annual basis,’ he said. ‘Increasingly, year over year, people are struggling with how to respond to those issues and how to prove to investors that they’re protecting their assets. There’s really been an uptick in interest along the lines of risk mitigation, as well as people understanding that operating a sustainable portfolio is also equitable with operating a more efficient portfolio with higher returns for investors’….”


Read the Full Article, written by Kyle Campbell, HERE