October 1st, 2020 Update: See latest Blog on LL33
Update: This law has been passed as Local Law 33 – Full text of the law, with upgraded score categories, is HERE.
On December 19th NYC City Council passed a number of bills on their last day of session this year. One of the bills, Intro 1632A will require buildings over 25,000sf to post Energy Grades on their buildings by 2020. Read the Press Release HERE. Energy Grades will be based on Energy Star Scores according to the following breakdown.

*As per LL84, scores of buildings with more than 10% data center, trading floor and/or TV studio are not published.
Find out what your Energy Grade will be. You can view Energy Star Scores for New York City buildings are already available in our mobile app, available for Iphone and Android.

We will keep you updated as the City releases more details about this law.
CodeGreen has benchmarked over 150 million square feet of property in New York City and is working with over 300 million square feet of property nationwide to develop and implement holistic programs to improve sustainability and energy performance through strategic planning, implementation and ongoing management. Call us to learn how to incorporate this new legislation into your long-term planning.