SF Environment has extended the 2018 deadline for submission of 2017 Energy Benchmarking data
Revised Compliance Calendar is as follows:
March 15, 2018: New Confirmation of Energy Audit Reporting Template will become active
– See: Recording of CEA Reporting Template webinar
March 28, 2018: Release Annual Energy Benchmark (AEB) reporting template
– SF Environment to email 2017 AEB template link to all parties that have previously submitted a benchmark
March 26-30, 2018: SFE to send ECBO Notification Letters
April 1, 2018: 2018 Confirmation of Energy Audits Due (Audit deadlines have not changed)
May 1, 2018: 2017 Annual Energy Benchmark Due
SF and Statewide Benchmarking Coordination for AB802
San Francisco Environment has applied for a waiver for buildings that are subject to AB802 and will submit your building benchmark data to the state in August 2018 to comply with statewide AB802 so building owners do not need to submit the benchmark twice.
SF Energy Audit Submission Template Updated
New template will be available in mid-March.
A recording of the CEA Tool Overview Webinar can be accessed if you would like a tour of the reporting template.
SF Environment plans to implement ECBO non-compliance fines in Q3 of 2018.
The fines can total $1,250 per violation per year for buildings < 50,000 sq ft and $2,500 per violation per year for buildings 50,000 sq ft.